VAT cut not being passed on to fans

Leicester City have decided not to pass on the cut in the VAT rate to supporters by reducing ticket prices. Instead the have decided to give the money to charity.

The club has explained that this is due to ‘logistical issues’.

Other clubs are reducing ticket prices, so they obviously don’t have the same logistical issues. Clubs passing on the VAT cut to their fans include Nottingham Forest, Derby, Chelsea and Leeds.

The report on includes a quote from City Chief Executive Lee Hoos, in which he incorrectly calculates the impact the VAT cut would have on ticket prices.

One Reply to “VAT cut not being passed on to fans”

  1. Robbers, Can we trust them(the Club) to give our and I mean our VAT to charity? If other clubs can do it so should Leicester, anyway the goverment have cut VAT to help all of us and not just charitys!!