Leicester City News - Mar '04

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.. Latest accusations (08/03/04)

The Daily Mirror headline today has "I'll kill you"...alledgedly what Dickov told the girls if they dared tell anyone about what happened. The Sun also follows this theme after saying it has leaked documents showing what the woemn have calimed.

They alledge that Paul Dickov raped a woman while she was pinned against a wall by his team-mate Keith Gillespie..

Heres the report from the Sun...

The 31-year-old Leicester City captain then threatened to kill her and two of her friends if she told police, she has alleged.

According to leaked court documents, a 36-year-old woman from Malawi has claimed that Dickov grabbed her by the neck and flung her to the ground.

It is claimed that one Leicester player applauded Dickov during the alleged attack.

Gillespie, 29, also threatened he would fling her from the window of her third-storey hotel room, she claimed.

One of the other women, from Kenya, told police investigators that she made a desperate attempt to fight off Dickov.

It is claimed she scratched him with her nails, causing him to bleed from the neck and face.

Detectives were told by the alleged rape victim that another Leicester player Frank Sinclair, 32, tried to force himself on her friend. She told them he tried to take off her clothes and flung her on the floor.

She said Sinclair lost a brown leather bracelet during an alleged struggle, and it is said she handed it to police when making her rape claim.

The alleged rape victim said that Nikos Dabizas, 30, was a witness to her alleged ordeal at the luxury La Manga resort, but said he did not take part. She also claimed Lilian Nalis walked around the room naked.

The two Kenyan-born women are aged 31 and 37. All three live in Cologne, Germany.

The 37-year-old told police Sinclair began the alleged chain of events by approaching them in an Italian restaurant.

Court papers allege he got German player Steffen Freund to crack the language barrier.

Freund is thought to have been among nine players who visited the alleged rape victim’s hotel room, but he left without going inside.

The details emerged in court documents leaked to a newspaper last night. Dickov, Sinclair and Gillespie have been charged with rape.

All deny the allegation, but could face up to 14 years in jail if convicted.

At least one player admitted having sex, but said it was consensual, according to a local newspaper reporter who claimed to have seen their statements to police.

The Daily Star has the headline "Yes, we had sex with those girls" and the story says the girls consented to sex.

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