Leicester City News -Feb '03

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.. Holmes throws out Hall! (19/02/03)

New Chairman John Holmes won some brownie points on Monday night...by apparently kicking Eric "I'm a monster a*sehole" Hall out of Filbo's hospitality suite!

Unbelievably Hall had the nerve to blag free tickets from Pompey as he is agent for Tim Sherwood, and then waltzed into the club he tried to put out of business!

John Holmes said,

"Eric Hall is not welcome. I thought it was a bit of an insult he even thought he could come in.

"I told him he could go anywhere else in the ground but that he was not welcome in the hospitality area.

"It goes back to what happened with Dennis Wise and the comments he made subsequently. Also the fact that he tried to get a winding-up order which would have put Leicester out of business."

Hall hit back:

"I've spoken to my legal people and I'm considering taking action against Mr Holmes and making a claim against him.

"It's in the hands of my legal people and I've been told not to say anything. Ask Mr Holmes what happened - he's the one who verbally attacked me.

"This has nothing to do with Leicester City Football Club but Mr Holmes."

Holmesy continued...

"Eric Hall tried to come into the ground by saying he was an employee of Portsmouth Football Club.

"Apparently he asked Portsmouth for the tickets by saying they were for Tim Sherwood's father.

"Dave Bassett drew my attention to the fact that he was here although it's not usually hard to notice him. We discussed how he came to be here and I told him to go.

"Trying to get a winding-up order was a disgraceful thing to do - something I could never dream of doing.

"It was all about self-publicity rather than a genuine desire to do the right thing for his client. "I never spoke to him before so it's not a case of not speaking to him now. He knows my feelings.

"He will never be welcome at the Walkers Stadium for what he tried to do to this club."

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If you see this man at Filbo please report him to a steward...
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