Leicester City News - Feb '03

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.. Name change debate...(14/02/03)

Blimey, Holmesy has got steam coming out of people's ears!

The debate about the name change has got views from both ends of the spectrum and has certainly got City fans talking.

There are plenty of pros and cons for changing...Below FFS tries to sum some of them up and we've also published various e-mails that we've received on the matter.

And before anyone asks...no the damn poll aint rigged! The FFS poll started on 0 as loads of people saw yesterday morning and you can only vote once (in a fortnight we think) unless you're very clever with cookies and stuff. What's the point in rigging it? We've got no hidden agenda and won't lose any sleep whatever we're called. Pink shorts would be a different story...

Some of the other polls on the web however are daft enough to let you vote again and again, and they've been flooded today by various yes / no campaign groups!

The vote last night on all the sites was in favour of a change with votes ranging from 60 - 80% in favour and most of the e-mails to us were in favour. But today has seen a real shift to a no vote and e-mails against the idea.

Is it because people have had time to think about it and weigh up the pros and cons? Or just the noes are slower at getting their act together to e-mail and vote?!

The thing that emerges from the debate though is you're an old cynical bunch. And after the last decade at City who wouldn't be?

Against Fosse
For Fosse
Backwards looking & old fashioned sounding. New start and line drawn under administration fiasco. Takes into account our heritage.
Other fans will take piss about us being in the ditch/gutter and Fosse Dross/ Toss They already take piss out of Fester Shitty and the crisp bowl.
Cost a bomb to do new rebranding everywhere Make a fortune out of new merchandise / marketing
Should be proud to be City City is Man City. Fosse is Unique.
Have to change the words to songs Sing new songs
Chairman detracting from real issues at club, bad timing for debate At least he's opening a debate up to fans instead of imposing stuff

Stuart Hall (it's a knock out) has been calling us Leicester Fosse on the beeb on Saturday after the game all season...and he's mad as a fish.

Here's some of the e-mails we've had in ( all genuine cos cut and pasting is easier than making em up). Keep 'em coming...

In favour...

"Fantastic News! The opening of the new stadium was soured somewhat by the stupidity of the proposed Walkers Bowl. The idea of returning to the original name shows that the new board has some idea of what supporting a football team is all about - history, tradition, 1884 and all that. I think it's a brilliant idea and the tears are welling up just thinking about it!"

"Oh yes, all for the change, new era, new ground, new name...not a new manager though!"

"Yes I do think changing the name back to Leicester Fosse is a very good idea, and agree with the to be new chairman that the name is commonly associated with Man City."

"A truly excellent idea, all in favour from a Leicester born faithful from University of East Anglia. We 'ate Delia and Tractor Boys! And its Leicester Fosse FC!!"

"A new name for a new start, why not? It'll be good to have our own identity rather than the plain old "City" or "United", "Town", "County", "Rovers" etc. We may have even more success as well, how many teams have been successful with the name "City" after them?"

"Firstly, I'd like to say what a fantastic gesture this is by the new consortium. I, like many fans agree that this shows a complete understanding of the necessity of our part in this debacle, getting this recognition makes everything worthwhile. It is a charming gesture considering our feelings as a fanbase and totally in contrast to the Blue shorts and Post-Horn Gallop debates. A lack of consultation which felt like a lack of respect. May I make myself clear, I would dearly love to change the name. Making ourselves globally unique would be fantastic. I've supported City for all my life and follow passionately their fortunes. However, amidst the heady satisfaction of saving our club from total ruin, I would like to ask Mr Holmes whether he has spared a thought for the actual financial implications of a total corporate re-brand."

which leads us nicely into...


"No - stay with City. Fosse is nostalgic and backward looking and it will soon be a joke with other fans. Yes there are other Citys but that's not the point - our identity is based 83 years of history not pre first world war days."

"Ridiculous idea . A fosse is a ditch and they might well fall in it ! Do not agree that 'City ' means Manchester City to most people."

"Is latin for ditch or gutter. Fantastic."

"Sorry but I was born supporting Leicester City & I will die supporting Leicester City. As a club name Fosse is an anachronism (if you saw Sky sports news on thursday, they just took the p**s!). I cannot understand how anyone who threw a wobbler over the blue shorts / post horn gallop fiascos could even contemplate it. I am getting really fed up of the constant stream of crap / laughable publicity we as a club seem to generate. I have spoken to friends around the country who support other clubs and they all thought it was some kind of joke! Merchandising anyone?"

"Whilst Fosse has traditional (nay, Roman) associations because of Fosse Way, please note that "fosse" dervied from the Latin "fossa", meaning "ditch" or "pit". This meaning survives in the modern Italian ("fossa") and in other languages dervived principally from Latin e.g. Spanish ("fosa") or French ("fosse"). Should the club ever make it back to European competition, we would not wish to be made a laughing stock, least of all in being thought of as "the pits". "

Tell us what you think about this in our FFS Fans Forum.


Fosse...old fashioned and backwards looking or tarrditional and remembering our roots?

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